Blessings and Hard Conversations

 Yesterday I went with Dad to his blood draw.  I checked with him beforehand as I'm trying to respect his wish to be as independent as he can for as long as he can, but he consented as neither of us knew if he would require a blood transfusion or not.  It's always best to have someone with him for those to go get him lunch or whatever and keep him company.  It turned out that he did not need a transfusion.  He was close, though.  UNC's requirement for a transfusion is a hemoglobin of 8 and Dad's was 8.8.

While we were waiting for those results, though, Dad got a call from UNC regarding his chemo pill.  We knew that without insurance, it could cost almost $14k per month!!  He'd been told previously that his insurance agreed to cover it but that his copay would be "steep," but we didn't know what exactly that meant.  He was also previously told that UNC was looking into grants to help cover the copay.  Anyway, we got the call from the UNC and were told that they were covering it in full - there would be no out-of-pocket cost for Dad!!  What??!!!  We were SOOOO relieved.  Then came a hiccup.  The lady said they weren't sure if the meds would reach Dad in time to start his treatment June 1.  She advised us to call the foundation directly and see if they could put a rush on it.

When Dad called, we spoke to this very nice gentleman who confirmed that yes, it is going to be free for Dad.  Then he said he was told he has no insurance and was verifying that. we provided him the correct information to which he said now it will have to be re-approved but that it would still be free.  He told us to call back later that afternoon to get a shipment date.  If they couldn't get the meds to us in time, every single appointment would have to be rescheduled and Dad has a LOT of them.  Luckily that shouldn't be an issue.  Dad was given the delivery date of tomorrow for his meds.  So long as he has them in his hot little hands before we leave on Tuesday, it will work out.  Praise God for this HUGE blessing!!!!

Since I had some time, I cleared it with my work the other day to return for a few days, so I've been working the last two days and will work through Monday.  After that, I'm not sure when I'll get to work again.  Will just have to play it by ear.

Yesterday on the way to Dad's appointment, he brought up about us knowing in a month if the chemo is working.  I reminded him that the doctor said that for some people it takes up to 3 months to know if it's working.  He said, "Well, if this doesn't work, they'll just have to switch me to a different chemo."  That broke my heart.  I knew then that he either didn't hear or understand what the doctor had said.  This is his only option.  I had to explain to him what the doctor had said about not being able to do the bone marrow transplant and that there were no clinical trials.  He said, "yeah but he said we could change some things if needed."  I said, "Yes, the meds you will be taking, if needed they can go up or down on those.  They said there is nothing else currently.  They can't do the chemo regimen they normally would for younger people because you wouldn't survive it."  I hated having to say this to Dad, but in typical optimistic fashion he just said, "oh..well, we'll just have to wait and see!"  I can't even imagine life without Dad.  I pray I have many more years with him here.  I know I have an eternity with him.  I guess I'm just greedy.

I had my doctor appointment yesterday, too.  The doctor said I was like the fourth person this week to come in with polyarthralgia.  They did an ESR but they called today to say it was negative and they are setting me up with rheumatology.  That appointment is not going to be until 9/26.  Ugh! They're also supposed to set me up with Podiatry.  That would be sooner, they said.

That's all for now.  I have to be at work at 7 a.m. Off to bed for me!


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